Headquartered in New Zealand. Solving the world's problems.

VXT is leading the transition to a world where administrative work is a distant memory.

Valued Behaviors

We believe a company’s actual values are shown by whom they hire, reward or let go. Below are the specific behaviors and skills we care about most. If these values describe you, and the people you want to work with, you’re likely to thrive at VXT.

Decision-making and problem-solving

You make reversible decisions quickly.
You make permanent decisions thoughtfully.
You have the courage to question the status quo, challenge authority, and seek out innovative solutions to drive progress.
You look beyond symptoms to identify systemic issues.
You use a deep understanding of our customers to inform all of your decisions.


You understand that done is better than perfect.
You are willing to try new things.
You seek fun and laughter with your colleagues.
You think highly of others, especially your coworkers.
You act with good intent and trust your colleagues to do the same.
You encourage others/celebrate success.
You are tenacious and optimistic.
You are calm in stressful situations.
You are an expert and educator for our clients.
You tackle intimidating problems.


You take personal accountability for the success of the company beyond the confines of your job description.
You take ownership of your work and make independent decisions.
You strive to always be better and are never complacent.
You make VXT the best in the world.
You are fueled by competition.
You understand how and why our customers use our product.
You seek out the unique perspectives of colleagues in other disciplines to inform your decisions.
You take responsibility for these values and address misalignment with your colleagues constructively and tactfully.


You debate ideas openly, and help implement whatever decision is made even when you disagree.
You are aware of people's strengths and weaknesses, especially your own.
You collaborate effectively with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
You share responsibility for success and failure with your team.
You acknowledge your mistakes, communicate early, and prioritize resolution.
You are confident but seek feedback.
You are direct and kind.
You are excited to interact with clients to help them solve problems.
You only say things about colleagues that you are willing to share with them.
You treat everyone with respect regardless of their position at VXT.
You provide support to your colleagues when they need it.

Honest, Productive Feedback

At VXT, we believe in providing honest and helpful feedback regularly. It can be tough to give and receive feedback, but with practice, it becomes easier. We help our employees learn how to give and receive feedback by coaching them and setting an example. Asking someone how you can improve or sharing feedback with a colleague takes courage and selflessness, and it's important to have trust and a positive attitude. We work hard to build strong professional relationships so that we can be open with each other. It might be harder for new employees or people from different cultures to give and receive feedback, but it's crucial for personal and company growth. That's why we encourage everyone to practice giving and receiving feedback.

Radical candor is a great framework for thinking about feedback in the workplace, watch this video.

Informed Leaders

We assign an informed leader for every major decision who is an expert in their area, and they are responsible for considering different perspectives and making the final call on the best course of action. We avoid decision-making by committee, as it would slow us down and diffuse responsibility. It is agreed upfront on who the informed leader will be for each project.

When it comes to significant strategic issues, the leader actively seeks out dissenting opinions and alternative ideas to ensure that they are making an informed decision. Although it can be challenging to voice dissent, we make an effort to encourage discussion. In some cases, groups may meet to debate an issue, but ultimately the leader makes the final decision. Significant decisions should be documented in written form by an assignee and communicated to relevant parties. We don't wait for consensus or hold committee votes, nor do we rush into hasty, uninformed decisions. Afterward, as the impact of the decision becomes clearer, we reflect on the decision-making process and consider ways to improve in the future.

Diagree Then Commit

If an employee disagrees with an important issue, they should explain why. This helps to clarify different viewpoints and allows for open sharing of ideas. The leader in charge of making the decision should listen to and consider all opinions, even if they don't agree with them. Once the decision is made, everyone, including those who disagreed, is expected to work together to make it successful.


Meet the team behind the platform

Luke Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
Lucy Turner
Chief Technology Officer
Cameron Palmer
Head of Design
Duncan de Wet
Head of Engineering
William Burry
Chief Revenue Officer
Chelsea Aitken
Chief Customer Officer
Josh Hogan
Head of Infrastructure
Shar Hilton
Customer Service and Implementation Manager
Sophie Svenson
Marketing and Partnerships Manager
Tom Abbott
Account Executive
Tom King
Technical Marketing Manager
Louis Lin
Integrations Engineer
Our customers use VXT to make phone calls, video calls and to chat internally with their teams.