How to set up a Vxt Account for Your Whole Team

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

Now that we have launched our Vxt Web on all internet-enabled devices, we have put together a quick and simple guide to help you create an Organisation Account for your team.

Step 1. Log in to Vxt Web

Simply head over to If you haven't signed up on our mobile or web apps before it's easy to get started! Download the app or sign up on our website.

Step 2. Navigate to settings and click invite people

Once you've logged in to Vxt, you will arrive on the inbox screen. From there you will need to navigate to settings and then click 'invite people'.

Step 3. Type in your organisation name and email address

Vxt Web will ask you to name your organisation. An organisation allows multiple Vxt users to access Vxt Pro under a single scaling paid license. Input your organisation's name and email address in the fields provided and then click create.

Step 4. Invite colleagues to join

After step 3, you will have the option to invite others to join. All you have to do is simply type in their email address and select 'invite'.

This pop-up allows you to invite colleagues to set up Vxt and join your organisation account. From there you can also choose whether they are a member or an admin under the 'role' section.

Invites will appear in their inbox and from there it's as easy as clicking the link inside the message, which looks like this:

From there you can manage your organisation account settings, add a payment method, determine how many members you would like to add, and whether you would like to upgrade your plan.

We hope this guide will make it a little easier for you to get your Vxt business account up-and-running. The benefit of having an organisation account with Vxt is that it allows you to easily manage your payment plan for your entire business.

If you want to set up all of your staff with a Vxt account, setting up a business account means they don’t have to purchase a subscription individually, nor do you have to reimburse them for this. A Vxt business account takes away the hassle of this process.

We've got heaps of other useful features and general improvements to the mobile and web app on the way. Stay tuned for more and as always if you'd like to help us build the best service for you, flick us your feedback via or join our community on Facebook.

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