Hnry Discount For Vxt Customers!

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

This offer is no longer valid.

We love working with people and companies that are passionate about helping small businesses. That’s why we’re stoked to announce an awesome offer from Hnry to Vxt customers.

vxt visual voicemail assistant app customers can now enjoy an offer by Hnry

Hnry is an all-in-one service that takes care of all the financial admin for contractors, freelancers and the self-employed - allowing them to focus on getting the job done, rather than worrying about tax and compliance. Hnry provides a pay-as-you-go service, handling Invoicing, Expenses, Payments, Taxes and filings. As New Zealand's fastest-growing tax agency, Hnry helps thousands of individuals to focus on doing what they do best, without having to worry about the burden of financial admin.

Hnry is pleased to offer Vxt customers a special discount code for $50 off fees.

This offer can be added retrospectively if you are already a Hnry customer (just contact the Hnry admin).

ADDED BONUS: If people have an income tax (IR3) return due for 2019/20, we currently have an offer where we can file this for you for a one-off cost of $300+GST to get you all set to use Hnry.

Once you're using Hnry, all future tax filings for all tax types are done at no extra cost as part of the Hnry service.Find out more about Hnry.

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