How to Add a Second Phone Number to Vxt Voicemail (mobile, landline & toll-free)

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

Vxt supports using multiple numbers with one account. This means you can use Vxt Voicemail with your personal mobile number, work DDI, business toll-free number, and practically any other.

To set up your second number with Vxt Voicemail, log in on our website or on our desktop app, which you can download here, and

  1. Select Add a phone from the menu on the left hand side of the screen
  2. Select Vxt Voicemail
  3. Follow the on screen prompts
  4. Set up call forwarding as per the instructions below

Call forwarding with a second mobile

To forward your voicemail from another device, there are two options. Either set up forwarding from your second device to your primary device by calling the following number

*004*Your cellphone number here#

or set up forwarding from your second device directly to Vxt Voicemail's phone number by calling this number,

*004*Vxt Voicemail's number#

In either case, include the *'s, and # or the call forwarding settings will not change correctly.

Note: Vxt Voicemail's number is different in every country.

Make sure to test that everything has worked properly once you have completed the setup and if you aren't sure what to do or you've run into a problem give us an email at

You might notice that this is similar to when you set up Vxt for the first time and we asked you to call a number like this (don't call it now)


Where +6439308026 is one of Vxt Voicemail's phone numbers for our New Zealand users (they're unique to every country, and in some cases there are multiple per country). The rest of the number (*004* and #) are globally recognised call forwarding codes that tell your mobile service provider to activate forward your calls to the number in the middle.If you want to learn more about conditional call forwarding, check out our video.

Vxt Voicemail & your DDI or toll-free number

To forward calls from a landline (DDI) to Vxt it should work just as easily. If your landline is already forwarding to your mobile phone then everything is ready to go presuming you've followed steps 1  & 2 above!

If your non-mobile number is not fowarding to your mobile device, as with setting up multiple cell phones, you can either forward calls from your landline to your mobile number or straight to Vxt Voicemails number.

This process will vary depending on your phone service provider (for the non-mobile number). You will generally be able to set up conditional call forwarding for non-mobile numbers in one of the following ways:

  1. Call your service provider and ask them to do it for you
  2. Change your call forwarding settings through an online portal

If you're keen to get a second number set up with Vxt Voicemail but aren't sure what your next step should be, please contact us at, we're always happy to help.

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