How to Forward Your Voicemail to Email

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

Hate checking your voicemail but don't want to add another app to your daily routine? Try this.

Voicemail to email is a feature, provided by a bunch of applications and telecommunications solutions, which sends voicemail messages straight to your email inbox. Email forwarding with Vxt takes a copy of your voicemail, audio and transcription, and sends it to your email address where you can read it or download the audio file directly.

Voicemail to email with Vxt

Email forwarding can be a really useful tool. For instance, if you're on leave it gives you the ability to forward work voicemail to a colleague who will be able to keep your clients up to date. Receiving your voicemail via email is also a great for reducing your response times which can make a big difference to your customer service experience.

Setting up Email Forwarding With Vxt

If you'd like to forward your voicemail to your email inbox you have options. If your work uses a managed phone system you might be able to set up email forwarding with your provider. However, for most people it's as simple as installing and setting up Vxt. If you don't already use Vxt, download it via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Once you've got the app working you can automatically forward your voicemails to email by following the instructions below.

1. From the Settings screen inside of the Vxt app press Email forwarding.

Settings screen inside of the Vxt app
Settings screen

2. To set up email forwarding just add your preferred email address.

Email forwarding screen inside of the Vxt app
Email forwarding screen

  3. Set the Forward voicemails to email slider to the on position.

Email forwarding screen inside of the Vxt app
Email forwarding screen

Once you've set that up make sure to give it a test to be sure everything is working.

If you have any issues with email forwarding don't hesitate to get in touch with our team at, we're happy to help.

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