Vxt Release 2.7.0

Our team values your feedback heaps and we use it to help us focus on the things that matter most so that we can build the best service possible. In this update, we have made it easier for you to share your thoughts with us. If you go into settings you will notice that there is a new button that you can use to give us your feedback.Last week we created a feedback group on Facebook so that our community of awesome Vxt’ers can have a direct impact on the decisions we make about the app. You can join it here.
With calendar suggestions, when you receive a voicemail that includes a date and/or time, the app will automatically detect and highlight it so you can add an event to your calendar at the touch of a button. Your voicemail transcription will appear in the notes of the event and the title will become the name or number of the person who sent you the voicemail.Soon, you'll have access to all of the best parts of Vxt via our website! We’ve been building a version of Vxt that you can access on our website for weeks and we’re quickly approaching it’s release. If you’d like to be one of the first to get their hands on Vxt Web, sign up for early access!
The update also includes a variety of smaller improvements and bug fixes.
As always, if you run into any issues get in touch with the team at info@vxt.co.nz