Issue with Vxt for Vodafone Customers on Android Phones

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

We're aware of an ongoing issue with Android users on the Vodafone networks in Australia & New Zealand where instead of playing your Vxt voicemail greeting the call just hangs up.

The problem is caused by a missing + in the call forwarding number which is used to forward your voicemail to Vxt for example,

*004*6439308026# instead of *004*+6439308026#

To the best of our knowledge, this issue only affects Vodafone customers.

If you are experiencing this issue, instead of playing your voicemail greeting the phone call will hang up.

This is because the call gets forwarded to 6439308026 or the equivalent number in Australia instead of +6439308026 which is where it should be going. The difference is subtle and shouldn't cause any issues, but because of problems with Vodafone's systems, it does.

If you are on Vodafone and are not experiencing this issue please disregard the instructions below.

How to fix the problem

To fix the issue you have to exactly type the relevant code depending on your location into your phone dialer app and call it, copying it does not work:

New Zealand: *004*+6439308026#

Australia: *004*+61480013876#

Once you have called the number, Vxt should work fine.Make sure the number is a perfect copy of the number above, if ANY character is different the call forwarding will not occur correctly and your voicemail will stay broken.

Once you have double-checked that the number is correct, call it and have someone try to leave you a voicemail.

Thanks to Simeon for being the first user to reach out to us about this problem and for being patient with us while we worked out what the issue was and how to solve it.

If it is still not working please reach out to us at and temporarily turn Vxt off via the settings in our app as we work out a solution together.

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