Join the Team!

September 10, 2021
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We're hiring more students for our growing startup.

Vxt, Grand Winners of the Entre $85K Start-Up Challenge 2019

Vxt is an award winning startup company, supported by businesses like Google, Vodafone NZ & BNZ. We build voice message management and automation tools for professionals & small businesses. Founded by two UC students in late 2018, the company boasts thousands of users in New Zealand & Australia.

As team members of Vxt you'll be working in a team of students and recent graduates.

These positions have the potential, but are not guaranteed to lead to a permanent part-time position or a graduate role with stock options in the company.

We are currently looking for students to join our growing team in the following roles:

  • Marketing Intern

In this role you will: receive training from marketing experts at the top of their field, work with our team to develop engaging marketing campaigns, and have the opportunity to fast track your career. Job descriptionPlease apply via this link

  • Software Development Intern

In this role you will: work with our team to improve our system, be exposed to a variety of tools and learn skills which will set you apart from your peers. Job descriptionPlease apply via this link

Luke Campbell & Lucy Turner, co-founders of Vxt

Why would you want to join a startup like Vxt? Duncan says "It's exciting to work on new projects where you get to see the results of your work straight away".

One of the best parts of working with us is that most of our team are still students or recent graduates which means we understand what studying is like. We make sure to maintain a flexible working environment so you can stay healthy and stay on top of your uni life.So what are you waiting for? Apply!

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