Vxt Release 2.5.0

Our team at Vxt have been working hard to bring you the next update including new features to make your experience using voicemail that much better.
You will notice in this new update a reworked inbox screen. This has been done to ensure Vxt runs faster for you.
Additionally, we have designed a new look for individual messages. This updated design means that sharing, deleting, and checking your messages is easier.
In this update, we have released urgent message alerts. This feature uses artificial intelligence to identify which messages are most urgent and then directs your attention to them.
We have also attached a filter that catches profanity and removes this from our transcriptions. This filter is on by default, but if you choose not to use it, you can turn it off via the settings screen.
For our Android users, we have changed the look of info pop ups to improve your experience.
On top of all these features, the update also includes a variety of smaller improvements and bug fixes.
As always, if you run into any issues get in touch with the team at info@vxt.co.nz