Students Luke Campbell, Lucy Turner and Lachlan Maclean are on a mission to make voicemail in New Zealand more efficient with their software company Vxt. The trio are developing a 'visual voicemail' inbox application which converts voicemail to text and highlights the key point of the message.

This month Vxt received a $4000 grant from New Zealand Business Intelligence (NZBI), as a part of their Giving Back competition for young entrepreneurs. These grants were open to any Cantabrian entrepreneurs under the age of 30, so we're very proud to win one of only two available grants.

Over the last few months we have been working hard developing our software, participating in competitions and building relationships with local businesses. It's great to see our hard work starting to pay off with support from another fantastic organisation.
As an early stage startup, support from organisations like New Zealand Business Intelligence is an enormous leg up. It'll be put to great use getting our software ready for user testing over the next few months.