Vxt Call is here! Make smarter phone calls

September 8, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

With Vxt Call you can make phone calls from your computer & mobile phone through our apps, record, transcribe calls and automate enormous amounts of traditionally manual work.

We've been sitting on this one for a while. In March, we quietly released Vxt Call to a few early adopters to stress test the new product. Thanks to phenomenal effort from our team and our helpful customers, we're glad to officially launch Vxt Call!

With the rise of remote work, being tied to a physical desk phone is no longer an option. Vxt can transform your old, inflexible desk phones into simple, powerful DDI's that save you hours of work every week.

Want to find out how much $$$ you could save with Vxt Call?

Contact our helpful team.

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