Vxt Subscriptions

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

Vxt Release 2.0.0

Over the last six weeks our team has been working extraordinarily hard on building what we thought would be a simple update to release paid subscriptions.Since we launched in August, the app has been totally free to use. For most of our users this will still be the case, as there will always be a free version of Vxt available. That means if you don't receive too many voicemails or aren't interested in the features that are exclusive to paid subscriptions then you won't need to pay a cent. We're extremely lucky to have the support of people and organisations who have helped us cover the costs of building and providing the app so far. If you enjoy using Vxt and want to use features available to paid users then we hope you'll support us. We're excited to get back to focusing on improving the application in tangible ways for our users.

Aside from introducing paid subscriptions, we fixed bugs, optimised the setup, and made some big changes to the way our system works behind the scenes. Unfortunately, a side effect of this means that once you have installed the update you will need to re-sign in to receive notifications.

Key Details:

  • Introduced paid subscriptions and account management.
  • There are now three plans, Free, Basic and Pro. All current users are automatically subscribed to the free plan as of the update. More info can be found in the app or on our website.
  • Optimised the set up process for new users.

Our team are about to head into exam season so you might hear from us a little less often over the next few weeks. In any case, keep sending through feedback. Let us know what you think of the updates and what you want to see in the future.

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