We've Got a New Plan! Vxt Starter 🎉

September 10, 2021
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From today we've made a new plan available on Vxt. For just $1.99 per month you get access to some great paid features, more voicemail transcriptions, and Slack integration.

Vxt Starter is a nice introduction for new users to our paid plans and for those who don't get heaps of voicemail but want access to our great paid features.

Changes to Free & Basic in NZ

We're constantly re-evaluating what our plans include and their prices, so that we can provide the most valuable service to our customers, whilst maintaining a sustainable business. As part of this release we have reduced the transcription limits on Vxt Free from 15 to 5 per month, and from 80 to 50 per month on Vxt Basic. For users in Australia these limits aren't new as they've been at that level since we released Vxt Australia in February.

If you have any suggestions or feedback for our team get in touch at info@vxt.co.nz. We'd love to hear from you.

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