The ancient and frustrating process of having to call a random number and listen to all your voicemail messages is a thing of the past. If you're fed up with how much time you waste keeping up with your voicemail then it’s time to try visual voicemail.
Visual voicemail apps organize your messages in an email-like interface so you can quickly prioritize them without having to spend minutes or even hours listening to everyone. Visual voicemail apps often provide other helpful features like voicemail transcription, personalized greetings, and email forwarding too.
In this article, we've rounded up some of the most useful voicemail apps with a focus on those available in the US.
1. Vxt - Smart Voicemail App

Vxt, a newcomer to the market available on both iOS & Android, is quickly gaining popularity due to its clean design and valuable features.
Unlike alternatives, Vxt provides integrations through Vxt Web with other useful tools like Slack, Salesforce, Zapier, and a range of others.
Like most, Vxt provides a free version of the app with certain limits but their paid subscriptions are competitively priced and for small business owners, salespeople, and others who get quite a lot of voicemail they save buckets of time and make it easier to keep up with important contacts. Vxt also allows users to easily set up multiple numbers inside of the app and to share a voicemail inbox with others. Uniquely, Vxt is also compatible with non-mobile devices like landlines, deskphones an toll-free phone numbers.
iPhone: Download Vxt for iOS on the Apple App Store.
Android: Download Vxt for Android on the Google Play Store.
Browsers: Try Vxt for free on Google Chrome, Safari, and other browsers at Vxt Web.
2. Google Voice
Google Voice was released in March 2009 and in unsurprising fashion is by far the most prevalent voicemail app in the US with more than 10 million installs on Android alone.
It's biggest differentiating feature is that it provides users with a digital phone number to use for calls, text messaging, and voicemail. Compared to the other applications on this list, Google Voice provides much more of a wrap-around phone system rather than a narrow focus on voicemail. Google Voice isn't available everywhere. At the time of writing, Voice is available in Denmark, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K., the U.S. and according to their support page "Voice will soon be available in Canada.".
3. YouMail
YouMail is another old, but popular voicemail product. The free version of YouMail allows you to receive up to 100 messages, separated by date and contact, which you can check on your computer and your smartphone.
YouMail has recently focused on their robocall blocking features which help users to avoid phishing messages, protecting users from spam, identity theft, stalkers, and corporate fraud.
4. HulloMail
HulloMail is a product provided by Thumbtel and is available in the US and UK.
A highlight is the ability to search for a particular voicemail without having to listen to it by using a keyword or name. HulloMail is also praised for it’s easy to use interface.
However, according to user reviews, a major drawback of HulloMail is the inability to get access to your full voicemail recordings. If you are not on the HulloMail Pro Plan your voice messages will be cut after 10 seconds.
5. InstaVoice
Unlike most alternatives on this list, InstaVoice doubles as an SMS messenger & visual voicemail app. InstaVoice lets you send & receive voicemail and SMS messages through the app.
One of their most popular features is the ability to withdraw sent messages. For example, if you were to send a voicemail, or text message through the InstaVoice app you have the ability to withdraw the message which automatically deletes it from the recipient's inbox.
According to reviews, the biggest issue with InstaVoice is its usage-based charges. Although InstaVoice is free to use, customers have to pay per voicemail to have it transcribed using InstaVoice credits that are bought through Google Play.
6. Voxist
Voxist was launched in 2016 by Karel Bourgois. Voxist is described as your own virtual personal assistant that provides personalized greetings and transcribes your voicemail into text.
Voxist also offers the additional feature of email forwarding so that users are able to access their voicemail at their convenience. Unlike most alternatives Voxist unlimited voicemail transcriptions on any of their plans. With Voxist Pro users can only receive up to 100 voicemail transcriptions and then users are required to pay per transcription for any additional voicemail.
7. Your Carrier
It is worth noting that you are able to get visual voicemail straight from your carrier. AT&T has AT&T Voicemail Viewer, and T-Mobile has T-Mobile Visual Voicemail. However, visual voicemail is not offered on all carriers and does not include the additional handy features third party apps provide.