Spark Voicemail not Working? Try Vxt

September 10, 2021
 min read
Last updated 

try vxt voicemail assistant app if spark voicemail app is not working

If you’re having trouble with Spark Voicemail try an easy to use alternative, developed right here in New Zealand. Why?

  • Vxt is developed by Kiwis for Kiwis. (Spark Voicemail was developed by Australian company Norwood Systems)
  • It integrates with your favorite services.
  • Supports more awesome features!
  • It improves super fast! (Vxt usually receives updates twice monthly)

Turn off Spark Voicemail. Save Time & Stress With Vxt.

Much like Spark Voicemail, Vxt allows you to read your voicemail, forward messages to email, and prioritise messages quickly. Unlike Spark Voicemail, Vxt is available on every carrier in New Zealand that supports conditional call forwarding, allows you to save multiple greetings, and integrates with a variety of other software like Pipedrive, Salesforce & Hubspot. With Vxt's contact-based greetings, you can astound your contacts with greetings specific to them. It allows you to create a closer relationship with key people in your business and personal lives. What really makes Vxt stand out is that you receive technical support from a passionate local team.

Vxt is also available via any device through Vxt Web. So you can access your messages from your desktop, tablet, or even a smart fridge if you really wanted to. Through our web app you can also set up an account for your team or business and manage billing for your whole staff seamlessly. Probably the best thing about using Vxt is that it’s updated on a regular basis, usually more than once per month, so you get to see the service improve really quickly. In fact, between originally publishing this post on May 28th and today, September 2nd 2020, the mobile app has received 7 major updates including improvements and new features. That's not to mention Vxt Web.

Vxt was developed with small business owners in mind. It’s affordable, flexible, and was designed to grow with you.

You can download Vxt on iOS and Android.

Or watch our software demo below.

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